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What is Capital Gains Tax? Understanding the basics, calculations and allowances.

Jacquelyn Walsmley

Lady Appraising assets

Capital gains tax (CGT) might sound like just another complicated tax jargon, but understanding it is key to managing your investments wisely and keeping more of your hard-earned money in your pocket. In this brief blog, let's break down the basics of capital gains tax in a way that's easy to understand, and explore some practical tips to help you minimise your tax bill.

  1. Making Sense of Capital Gains Tax: Picture this: You buy a piece of art or maybe some stocks, and down the line, you decide to sell them for a profit. That profit you make? That's your capital gain. Capital gains tax is a levy on that profit, not the total amount you sell the asset for. How much tax you pay depends on factors like your income and the type of asset you sold.

  2. Crunching the Numbers: Every tax year, you get a tax-free allowance for capital gains – think of it as a gift from the taxman. For the 2023/24 tax year, this allowance is £6,000 and this will reduce further in April 2024 to £3,000. That means you can make gains up to these amounts without owing any CGT. Gains above this threshold are taxed at different rates depending on how much you earn.

  3. Tricks to Pay Less Tax: Here's the fun part – finding ways to reduce your tax bill. You can:

  • Use your tax-free allowance wisely: If you're planning to sell assets, try to spread it out over different tax years to make the most of your annual exemptions.

  • Offset losses: Sometimes, investments don't go as planned, and you end up making a loss. The good news? You can use these losses to offset gains, reducing your overall tax bill.

  • Explore tax-efficient investments: Consider putting your money into vehicles like ISAs or pensions, where your gains are sheltered from CGT. We have trusted financial advisors that we can recommend you to to discuss your options.

  1. Dealing with Taxman: Last but not least, remember to keep HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) in the loop. When you make capital gains, you need to report them and pay the tax owed within the deadlines to avoid any penalties. Its important that these capital gains tax calculations are filed promptly in the correct reporting periods and correctly.

In a nutshell, capital gains tax doesn't have to be daunting. By understanding the basics and implementing some smart tax-saving strategies, you can keep more of your investment profits for yourself. And if you ever feel lost in the tax maze, don't hesitate to seek advice from a tax professional who can guide you through it all. Happy investing!

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